
* Contact Plating (Terminal / Body)

1 = Gold Flash / Gold Flash
2=Gold Plated, 5u”/ Gold Plated, 5u”
3=Gold Plated, 10u”/ Gold Plated, 10u”
4=Gold Plated, 15u”/ Gold Plated, 15u”
5=Gold Plated, 30u”/ Gold Plated, 30u”
A=Gold Flash / Silver Plated, 100u”
C=Gold Plated, 30u”/ Silver Plated, 100u”
E=Gold Flash / Gold Plated, 30u”
F=Gold Plated, 30u”/ Gold Flash
Product Inquiry
Product Specifications
Ø 9.1mm
Plug Material Copper Alloy
Contact Material Copper Alloy
Terminal Type Bus Bar
Inserting Force (Max.) 11.0N (1.12kgf)
Extraction Force (Min.) 5.0N (0.51kgf)
Durability 10,000 cycles
Rating Voltage 250 Voltage (Customize)
Contact Resistance 0.25 MΩ
Operating Temperature -40℃ to 130℃
Operating Current at 30℃ T-Rise 380A at Bus Bar
Mating Series 60303-1***
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More Information

  1. The values specified in this website are only for reference.
    The products/specifications are subject to change without notice.
  2. We strongly suggest you to contact our sales for further information when considering use of any of the products in any other way than the recommended applications or for a specific use that requires an extremely high reliability.